JSON-RPC Endpoint

Available Resources

Mainnet (ChainID 0x7B7, 1975 in decimal)

ONUS RPC Endpoints:

!!! NOTE You can make eth_getLogs requests with up to a 5K block range. If you need to pull logs frequently, we recommend using WebSockets to push new logs to you when they are available.

Testnet (ChainID 0x799, 1945 in decimal)

ONUS RPC Endpoints:

  • https://rpc-testnet.onuschain.io

Rate limit

The rate limit of the ONUS RPC endpoint on Testnet and Mainnet is 8K/5min.


You can start the HTTP JSON-RPC with the --rpc flag

## mainnetgeth attach https://rpc.onuschain.io
## testnetgeth attach https://rpc-testnet.onuschain.io


JSON-RPC methods

Please refer to this wiki page or use Postman: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/4117254/ethereum-json-rpc/RVu7CT5J?version=latest

Last updated